

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Embracing Single Status In 2012- Five Reasons For You To Love It!

 ”Why is a beautiful woman like you still single?  Each and every time I get asked that question, I get perplexed.  The implication always seems to be that my life would be so much better…if only I were married.  Really???

Then tell me why only half of all Americans are engaging in the practice, when one out of every three Americans were engaging in 1960’s.   A recently published MSNBC article stated that the constitution of holy matrimony was down to an all time low of 51%.  I can’t say that I am shocked to hear this.  What I am shocked about is why so many single women are still panicked about choosing this headache?

I am just kidding about the headaches of marriage, but lets face it… if you didn’t marry the RIGHT person, it could just be the biggest mistake you’ll ever make and truly a costly one to get out of.  I understand that most woman want it, but if they understood what it is they are really giving up, just maybe we’d think twice before jumping that broom.

Single is EASY.   Think about this for a minute.  When was the last time you had to consult someone on a financial or lifestyle decision?  If you really want that Michael Kors watch for $375, and your bank account says you can afford it, you don’t have to consult the hubby before you make that purchase…you just do it.  If you desperately need that massage…schedule that appointment.  There’s no need to ask for permission. Why complicate your life by adding a husband when single is so easy?

Engage in your passions… or discover new ones!  You have such a unique opportunity to just do you!  Our married counterparts are busy splitting their time between the demands of husband and family, only to have whatever time is left.  And that’s provided they still have the energy.  Singleness affords the opportunity to develop the best you, you can be.  Why not take the time to develop or explore your spirituality.  Buy that ticket to Paris and take that trip you’ve always wanted. Learn to speak French and take that class before your trip, or even better yet, take that French cooking class too.  Build up those finances and make those investments you’ve been considering.  Join that softball league in the community park near your home. The opportunities are bountiful and ripe for the picking. Just choose one and let the passion begin.

A Single Life is a Cheaper Life.  “On a month-to-month basis, marriage just doesn't pay. At least not far beyond the honeymoon phase, after which the happy couple invariably decides to leverage its new status into better living quarters, nicer cars and more "mature" spending priorities like insurance and church donations, ” according to a article.  The article goes on to mention that  singles who make an effort to do financially prudent things such as buying homes and opening up retirement accounts early, wind up better off than their married counterparts. Once children enter the picture, married couples are really in financial trouble: The costs to raise and educate children are staggering.

Variety is the spice of life.  Lets face it.  Men do it all the time.  If they can have a little “Black Book,” why can’t we have a little “Pink Book?”  There’s no reason why you can’t have a movie friend, a sports event friend and a dinner friend too?  How about a date for breakfast, another for lunch, and yet another for dinner and desert?  There are plenty of fish in the sea.  So go for it, but be safe.  After all, WHY SHOULD MEN HAVE ALL THE FUN?

Freedom.   Webster defines it as: liberty, autonomy, independence, lack of restrictions, sovereignty and free will . In my opinion, this is the best reason of all to embrace the single life.  Even married folks will agree that not having to answer to anyone for anything…is a great thing.  Doing what you want to do and when your wanting to do it allows you to life your life just as you choose.  What a wonderful thing!

As we enter this fabulous new chapter called 2012, I challenge you to become the best you possible as you …

Embrace your independence!
Accept your autonomy!
Hold your head high and walk in your sovereignty!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Austin Publicity & Marketing Tour

Sitting in the airport, waiting for my delayed flight. What a bummer! It’s no one’s fault that there is heavy fog in San Antonio and flights can’t get in or out, but just sitting and waiting can be quite aggravating.  There are a million things I could be doing right now… but it’s hard to be productive when you don’t even have an internet connection.  The airport is supposed to have wi-fi, but its not working either.

This is however, the first opportunity I’ve had to just sit with myself and reflect on the past five whirlwind days in my second home city of Austin.  It is such a great city.  Hundreds of music venues have earned Austin the title of "live music capital of the world," with its 1,900 bands and performing artists calling the Austin area home. Also showered with abundant sunshine and beautiful natural surroundings this city is a nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts’ dream.

One of the primary reasons for returning to Austin was to promote the book and connect with indie bookstore owners about future book signings. Many thanks to Book Woman, Book People, Domy,  and  Monkey Wrench Books for taking time out of their busy schedules to discuss the possibility of book sales and signings.  I’ve never done this before, but the marketing experience gained from my days in property management were indeed great preparation for a project such as this. It’s probably not the most traditional route, but you do what you know and hope for the best.  After all, nothing ventured…nothing gained!

It was exciting to see “Why Should Men Have All The Fun?!”, being so well received.  Curiosity, questions and laughter was all that was needed to confirm that marketing efforts are headed in the right direction.  Fabulous conversation from both men and women alike proved to be the right mix of motivation for me stay the course.  

It won’t be long now before my dream becomes my reality.  The book is in its final stages of formatting, and is still on target to be released Mid-January 2012.  The book launch party is in it’s final planning stages and should be announced soon!
Before you know it… I’ll be doing a book-signing event in your area.

Here’s to women having all the fun… 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Football, Beer and Men...Three Of My Favorite Things

Grinch drinking beer
I am a huge football fan.

Be it college or pro, it is nothing for me to put on my favorite team jersey, a sexy pair of nicely fitted jeans and head out to my local sports pub. I love to go solo. My usual practice is to sit at the bar... you never know who might want to sit next to you, and it's always a good thing to get to know the person who pours your beers. It's an effortless way to give a guy an opening and strike up conversation. If you really know your football, you'll be able to encourage conversation with other men too... that way, if you don't like the guy sitting next to you, there's always the guy next to him, or a few seats down!

Interestingly enough, Stella's an avid football fan as well, so it didn't take much to convince her that we needed to watch a few games and have a few beers. Luckily for me, she's avid beer fan too!   Luck must have been with us that evening, because the only two open seats at the bar just happened to be next to two very handsome and well educated men, perhaps in their thirties. What started out as light hearted, game related tête-à-tête, somehow turned into two hours of thought-provoking, but very opinionated examination on WOMEN'S DATING STRATEGIES, from a man's point of view. Don't ask me who won our game that night... but hearing what these gentlemen had to say made this a very beneficial evening for both Stella as well as myself.  They were able to not only reiterate some of the benefits of venturing outside the box, but they reinforced and encouraged advice that I had been giving to my girlfriend all along.

First...Go Alone.  Men will find you much more approachable if you are not surrounded by an entourage. Besides, they are also far less likely to be embarrassed, should you shoot them down.

Look Beyond Your "TYPE." Just because the guy may not be six feet tall, or perhaps a bit thicker than you might prefer, doesn't mean that he doesn't have something to bring to your table.  Sometimes a great personality or some old fashioned chivalry, can beat out a good-looking jock with no sense of humor.

Date Younger Men.  If you are just out of a serious or long term relationship, dating younger men is a good way to have fun.  Like you, they just wanna have fun too, and I am often told that they find older women more interesting than women their own age. Who am I to argue with that one?

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff.  Typically, most men are not very detailed.  They could care less if your purple nail polish doesn't go well with you brown eyeshadow. Who cares if you should have worn the red belt instead of the black one. They will characteristically look at the entire package and decide if they like it or not.  Just make sure that your package looks great.

Smile.  A great smile is worth a thousand words.  Try making eye contact with the guy in the grocery store and give him a little smile when when your eyes meet.  A smile is a way in, and if he's interested, he will follow you over to the next isle.   If he doesn't... Its probably a good bet that he's in a committed relationship (or gay), but at the very least, you've probably made his day.

Lastly...Just Have Fun!  Don't take yourself so seriously.  A guy will always be attracted to a light- hearted, carefree women that looks like she knows how to have fun.  Practice makes perfect so give it a try...You just never know where it might lead!


Monday, November 28, 2011

Old Habits Die Hard...

I am sure that I am just as guilty of this as anyone else.

We get into our familiar habits and we do the same things over and over again because that's what we know.  I get it.  But if you want different results, should we conclude that we should probably step outside the proverbial box and try something new?

Case in point... my newly divorced friend who we'll call Stella, says she's ready to get back in the dating game.  At some point, she sees herself taking the plunge again, (but this time with the right person) but for right no, she just wants to put herself out there and just have fun. She been pretty great at the long term relationships, but she's never really dated for any extended period of time. With her new found freedom..."Stella just wants to get her grove back!" Funny thing about Stella.  She says she wants one thing, but her actions indicate something completely different.

For example, in an effort to get things flowing, she signs up for an internet dating website, and sees a few interesting men that provoke conversation. One conversation leads to another with several of these men...but somehow Stella sets her sights on the one guy she really likes, and goes out with him, and him alone.  After about a month of dating and sex, because she's decided that she really likes him...Mr. Man announces that he is not ready for a serious relationship, and cuts Stella off without warning. Now Stella is left holding the bag, and is wondering what happened.

So, exactly where did Stella go wrong?!?!? Well lets first start with her objective... didn't Stella say that she just wanted to get out and have fun?!?!?  Why would someone who just wants to have fun, set their sights on only one man, when she had the attention of several?!?!?  She could have had several dates with several men...but instead she chose only one. The one who she best felt fit inside her proverbial box.

Secondly, setting her sights on the Mr. Man and focusing her time and energy in one direction, made him feel pressured.  Stella became clingy and wanted to spend all of her free time with him and him alone. Instead, she should have spread herself amongst the men who garnered her attention, including Mr. Man, and just had fun.  Stella could have had coffee with guy #1 on Monday, wine with guy #2 on  Wednesday, and lunch with Mr. Man on Friday.  It shouldn't matter that he's not six feet tall, and doesn't have a six pack.  Go out with him anyway.  Your not trying to marry him...your just trying to meet new friends, go out and have fun.  The guy that doesn't meet your physical requirements just might bring something else to the table that you had not considered.  And even if he turns out to be the biggest jerk in the world... what have you really lost?!?! It was just coffee!!!

So if you can do just one thing for yourself to change your dating life... try stepping outside your box, and spread your time with more than one person at a time.  You just might be glad you did!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

What If...???

      Recently, ABC's Nightline profiled four beautiful, professional, single women about why they believed they were single.  While they were able to point to a number of valid aspects, the more palpable issue is that there are simply more single women, then there are available men. 

It is estimated, that of the 95.7 million single Americans, over 65% of them are now women.  Now if we subtract the men who are incarcerated, gay, or otherwise not available, there are still going to be a number of women who will remain single, no matter how hard they fight it.

A recent New York Times article quoted that a staggering 51% of American women now live with out a spouse.   Professor Stephanie Coontz from the Council on Contemporary Families, (a nonprofit research group) says, “ This is yet another of the inexorable signs that there is no going back to a world where we can assume that marriage is the main institution that organizes peoples lives.  Most women will marry, or have married, but on average, Americans no spend half of their adult lives outside marriage."

At one end of the age spectrum, women are marrying later, delaying the choice for family, while dedicating time to their careers.  At the other end, women are living longer as widows, and after divorce are more likely than men to delay remarriage, and in most cases delighting in their newfound freedom.  

Such is the case with our four professional singles.  Faith may have it that these women may never be married. Not even they know what their reality holds.  The vital question needed to ask is… 

“What if…???”

What if… they never make it down that isle?

What if… their biological clock ticks away? 

Then the only question remaining is ... Then what???

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Mr. Right vs. A Few Mr. Right Nows...

I get it.

The one thing that everyone desires... is to be loved.  I'm there too.  So are millions of others.

What I don't get is why women focus so narrowly on finding Mr. Right, while men on the other hand, cast a large net.

Now, I am by no way saying that the man's way is the right way. But you have to admit that there is a lot to be said about the way men seem to narrow their playing field... and appear to have so much fun doing it. It also seems to me, generally speaking of course, men appear to be chosen as "Mr. Right," and buckle to the pressure before settling down to get married.  Generally speaking, of course.

Women on the other hand, appear to fall for what I call, "The Cinderella Fallocies."  This is where we think we find our "Prince Charming" and date him exclusively until we think he's ready to pop the question and live "happily ever after."  Meanwhile, the truth is that "Prince Charming" really is very charming, and is probably dating two, three, or more woman at a time.  Generally speaking, of course.

And so it seems reasonable for me to ask the question... "Why aren't more women approaching love and dating in the same fashion?"  "What's so wrong with casting that wide net, just to see how many you catch?" "Instead of Mr. Right... how about a few Mr. Right Nows?"

I know I am not alone.  More and more women are coming around to seeing the advantages of dating more that one man at a time.  I like to refer to them as-

 "DWELL-ers"... D ivas W ith E xciting L ove L ives!"

Last week, I watched "The Million Dollar Matchmaker" and Nate Berkus  guide a narrowly focused  40-something woman through her dating process, on the Oprah show.  I stress narrowly focused, because this woman had her heart set on one thing... marriage.  She was so disappointed in herself for being at 40-something and unmarried, that it blocked the potential for anything else to enter her space.  This decently attractive woman honestly believed that there was something wrong with her.

And while I gave props to Nate and the matchmaker for addressing the obvious desperation that emanated from her being, and the unrealistic expectations she set for her Prince Charming, I was a bit disappointed that no on suggested to her that she drop the narrow focus on "Mr. Right" and open herself up for a few "Mr. Right Nows!" No one planted the seed that dating should be fun... and she should enjoy it.  Stop taking it so seriously and approach it in a more light-hearted fashion. No told her to stop beating herself up... no one told her that single is not a curse!

It's freedom at it's best and I love being single!!!