

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Intentional Purpose With Passion For Your 2013

Nothing happens unless we first dream…

I don’t know about you, but for me, 2012 was a pretty spectacular year.  Looking back, I can honestly say that I’ve had quite a few spectacular years.  I’ve also had more than my share of disappointing ones too.  But if I had to point to the one thing that made this year so monumental above all others, I would have to say …  that I intentionally lived this year with PASSION.

And while you might say… “oh, that’s easy!”  Let me confess to you that it is much more difficult than it sounds.  It’s more than just a task, but rather an intentional purpose.  It is one that takes vision to see, strength to quash the fears that haunt, and exceptional patience to execute.  But above all else, it requires action.

As a result of my action of intentional purpose, I traveled the world (well at least the world of Central America,) published and promoted my first book, helped my mother become a cancer survivor, earned a fabulous new position with a great company, and became a certified scuba diver. What's more, I was blessed to be able to share it all with family and the best friends in the whole world!

And as much as I’d like to say that I took great care to plan every inch of that spectacular journey, most of this didn’t happened as I imagined.  Instead, what happened was the good stuff.  I could take a few moments to share how the two differ, but why bother? The catalyst was making the promise to myself about accomplishing the things I wanted to do, and then taking the action to make them happen.  The point is, these actions were deliberate, intentional and most importantly, connected to a sense of meaning and purpose.

Make more of the good stuff happen in your life. I challenge you to make this your year of action.  May it be the year that you quash your fears, and execute the life that you've always envisioned for yourself. It is my wish that each of you live 2013 and beyond, with that intentional purpose that drives you to live a life beyond your wildest dreams.  Blessings to you on this magnificent upcoming year!

“The person who risks nothing, has nothing, does nothing.” - unknown

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